Comment on Government announcement on climate change and move to net zero emissions

Statement is a 'logical response' to recent IPCC global warming report, says Lord Howard

By George Smeeton

Commenting on the Government’s announcement that it is seeking new formal advice from statutory advisor the Committee on Climate Change (CCC) on strengthening the country’s climate change targets, former Conservative Party leader Lord (Michael) Howard said:

Comment on Government announcement on climate change and move to net zero emissions

“This is a very welcome announcement from the Government and a logical response to the IPCC report last week which made a strong case for bringing carbon emissions globally to net zero around mid-century.

“We have seen this year the impact that climate change is already having, making the startling European heatwave at least twice as likely to occur.

“And experience shows we have nothing to fear from decarbonisation, given the UK’s G7-leading success in reducing emissions while growing our economy. So I congratulate the Prime Minister for this move, and look forward to hearing the Committee on Climate Change’s advice in good time on how Britain can best move to a net zero economy.”

Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit Director Richard Black said:

“Science is quite clear now that in order to stop climate change at any particular level, carbon emissions have to fall to net zero – in fact the previous Conservative government announced plans to set a net zero target in law, and last week’s IPCC report just brings the date forward.

“Although it might seem a tough target to virtually eliminate emissions in just 30 years, pretty much all the technology needed exists. We know how to get virtually to zero emissions in electricity, land transport, home heating and most branches of industry – while in one of the toughest sectors, agriculture, the National Farmers’ Union has just said they’re up for the challenge.

“The public is onside too, with nearly two-thirds of Britons wanting to end the nation’s contribution to climate change within a few decades, while more than 130 MPs from all parties have already sent a letter to the Prime Minister asking for a target before 2050. So this would seem to be a popular move, in Westminster and across the country.”