Untangling our climate goals
What's the difference between carbon neutral and net zero?…
What is climate finance?
With parties at COP29 in November set to negotiate a new goal for funding to support poorer, developing nations tackle c…
Climate and food: home and away
As UK harvests of key foods fail, ‘back-up’ imports wobble under climate-driven extremes, threatening our food security…
Winter flood warnings and alerts on grade 1 and 2 farmland in England
The number of flood warnings on England’s best farmland this winter hit a record high of over 1000, exceeding the previo…
Household Energy Security in 2030
'Energy patriotism' could slash homes' foreign energy dependence by 80%, and new North Sea oil and gas ‘largely irreleva…
Future energy security
Rise in British renewables will play a much larger role in bolstering the UK’s energy security than potential new domest…
Election poll: what do rural voters think about climate change and net zero?
We commissioned More in Common to poll 50 of the most ‘highly rural’ seats in Great Britain, with five from each English…
Estimated financial losses faced by UK farmers due to wet weather impacts on key arable crops
Arable farmers face losing nearly a billion in revenue as a result of the wet winter.…
Farm to Fork Summit: Poll reveals farmers more worried about climate change, and show stronger support for net zero than public
Farmers see extreme weather as biggest threat to UK’s food security over the next ten years…
Estimated decline in headline self- sufficiency for UK food production due to the projected reduction in arable crop output in 2024
Decline in output could reduce headline self-sufficiency across all UK farming sectors from 86% to 78%, when measured by…
The real-life costs of fuelling a PHEV
The real-world fuelling costs of these PHEVs are £672 a year higher than their electric equivalents.…
Election poll: Voters for all parties committed to net zero
Poll finds widespread, majority support for the UK’s net zero climate target across voters for all main parties.…
Analysis of UK farm cropping plans and estimated impact of the wet winter on production
Analysis using Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) cropping forecasts to estimate the production volum…
Scottish voter attitudes to net zero
Household energy: buying British
Households with a heat pump and electric vehicle are far less dependent on foreign oil and gas imports, make more use of…
UK going ‘backwards’ – Government’s energy security strategy scores 3/10
2 years on from the British Energy Security Strategy, only 3 of 10 key commitments have been met.…
Energy insecurity
A year on from the ‘Powering Up Britain’ strategy, Government policy is pushing the UK backwards on energy security.…
El Niño, climate change, and UK food supply
We explore the UK food imports from around the world at risk as El Niño has been turbo-charging climate change impacts w…