Guy Smith joins ECIU Advisory Board
NFU vice president Smith to bring farmers’ perspective on energy and climate issues
By George Smeeton
“The forecasts of rising sea levels, declining food production and damage to the natural world are warnings on which we have to act.
“The Government is absolutely correct to be pressing for a legally binding agreement at the UN summit in Paris next year. I think it deserves our full support.”
ECIU board member Professor Michael Grubb, Professor of International Energy and Climate Change Policy at UCL, said: “This Summit has to be seen as the event which is designed to fire the political starting gun for global negotiations on tackling climate change that culminate at the end of next year.
“One thing that has come out clearly today is that there is a much more cohesive sense amongst the major political players about the severity of the issue, the determination to tackle it, and the recognition that they are all it together.”

Welcoming Mr Smith to the Advisory Board, ECIU Director Richard Black said that the farmers’ perspective on energy and climate issues was ‘absolutely crucial’ as farmers are on the ‘front line’ of climate change impacts.
Guy Smith, NFU vice president said: “It’s only last week that University of Exeter scientists suggested that food-growing nations including the UK could be “overwhelmed” by pests within the next 30 years, as climate change helps them spread. Research like this should shake off the air of complacency about agricultural production in the UK as it faces an uncertain future climate.
“Energy production through technologies such as bioenergy crops and solar has also become a political football, so the ECIU drive to ensure that such discussions are underpinned by evidence is welcome. I am therefore very pleased to add farming’s voice to those already on the ECIU board,” added Mr Smith.
Richard Black, director of the ECIU, said: “We’re delighted to welcome Guy Smith onto the ECIU’s Advisory Board, with all the expertise that he and the NFU bring on energy and climate issues.
“Farmers are on the front line of climate change impacts and are also increasingly important players in the UK’s energy landscape, so it’s absolutely crucial that the farmers’ perspective on these issues is heard.”