The Net Zero-Trade Nexus: Opportunities and risks for the UK
Assessing the net zero targets and policies of the UK's largest trading partners.…
Net Zero: A short history
Net zero has come a long way quickly, but it's a journey that's just beginning.…
UNEP Gap Report 2020
John Lang's visual summary of the 2020 UNEP G A P Report.…
Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere
Everything you need to know about the IPCC's latest report.…
COP26: Una guía visual
Qué es la COP26, quién asiste y por qué es importante, en forma de infografía.…
Net Zero: Ambition globally
Over two-thirds of global GDP is now under actual or intended net zero by mid-century emission targets…
Special Report on 1.5°C
Our UK-centric take on the IPCC Special Report on 1.5°C. A reminder, and reiteration, of what's at stake.…
A Short(-ish) History of the UN Climate Summits
A visual history of the UN Climate Summits, including the big asks of the Glasgow COP26 summit in 2021.…
UNEP Gap Report 2019
An infographic summary of the 'where we are and where we need to be by 2030'. Inspired by this year's UNEP Gap Report.…
What does the Paris Agreement mean for the UK?
From energy transformation to nature impacts, experts present the Paris outcome and its implications.…
The Paris Climate Agreement
What's in the historic UN climate deal?
China’s Low-carbon Policy and Development
Report on China’s increasingly ambitious and committed approach to climate change and low-carbon development…
What is the IPCC?
Facts, figures and findings on the UN's climate research body…