Hinkley: What If? Can the UK solve its energy trilemma without Hinkley Point C?

The UK can meet its energy and climate change targets even if the proposed Hinkley Point C nuclear power station is not built.

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The saga of the Hinkley Point C nuclear power station has been with us now for nearly a decade. But still, the conclusion is unclear. The Government is due to make a final decision shortly; however, even if its decision is “yes”, many potential hurdles remain.

Proponents of Hinkley argue that it is absolutely necessary for solving the energy trilemma – ensuring security of supply and reducing carbon emissions while keeping bills under control. But how true is this? The nature of electricity networks is changing rapidly, renewable technologies are falling in price, and UK demand is also decreasing.

In this report, we ask and answer a few simple questions: If Hinkley C does not happen, for whatever reason, does it matter? Are alternatives available that can generate as much low- carbon electricity over the course of a year and keep the lights on during periods of peak demand? If there are, would these alternatives cost more or less?

To download the report, click here.

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