Coal: Subsidising the past
Jonathan Marshall examines why the Government is still paying subsidies to coal-fired power stations…
Diesels - running out of gas?
The Chancellor's autumn Budget penalised diesel drivers again.…
Budget 2017: Dealt a dud hand?
Can low-carbon Britain play its way out of the Chancellor's bad deal?…
UN climate talks: Despatches from Dullsville
UN conference in Bonn was low-key but positive, says Richard Black…
Budget: Time to turn talk into action
What energy and climate goodies can we expect from Mr Hammond?…
Cutting carbon: Why so shy?
Many nations could set more ambitious climate targets, research suggests…
(Silk) Road Wars
China and the UK both see growth opportunities in electric vehicles…
UN climate summit: Cleaning the kitchen
This year's UN talks won't set the world alight - but as Trump looms, there's much to do…
Helm Review: 'Show your working, please'
Cost of Energy Review makes strong recommendations, but fails to back many of them up…
MPs bury differences over carbon capture and storage
A kindler, gentler politics emerges in Westminster Hall CCS debate…
Clean Growth Strategy marks break with past
Weighty roadmap indicate government now sees 'green' as gain, not pain…
Clean Growth Strategy: Delivering what the UK needs?
What should we be looking for in the government's long-awaited climate change roadmap?…
Why will the Big Six shrug off an energy price cap?
Any cap on standard tariffs will have either little or no effect on overall profits across the Big Six.…
Paris Agreement: Science points both ways
Science tackles carbon budgets and the 1.5ºC warming goal, with seemingly contradictory results…
SMRs: Cut the PR crap, and let's get serious
Breathless industry claims put serious debate on small nuclear reactors at risk…
Monopoly money: Who's misleading who?
Britain's power distribution companies shoot own feet in response to ECIU report…
Bouncebackability: Is there still truth in the Jevons Paradox?
Critics of energy efficiency often hark back to the 150-year old theory - but it doesn't hold up too well now…