Comment on Offshore Energies UK jobs report

Offshore energy sector job opportunities could increase 50% by 2030 with supportive policy.

Profile picture of George Smeeton

By George Smeeton

Last updated:

Commenting on a report from Offshore Energies UK (OEUK) on offshore energy sector job opportunities, Jess Ralston, Head of Energy at the Energy & Climate Intelligence Unit (ECIU), said:

"Irrespective of any new licences the oil and gas regulator is clear that the North Sea output will continue to decline. It's running out. That means a plan is needed to re-skill workers recognising they have valuable skills to offer. The good news is academics reckon 90% of workers can transfer to the offshore renewables industry [1]. This is also good news for UK energy security as it’s clear that renewables will do the heavy lifting on providing affordable, British energy the price of which isn’t dictated by international gas markets."

Notes to editors:


2. There has been some disputing of jobs figures around North Sea oil and gas, for example, Stifel, a US-based investment bank with clients in the oil and gas industry in the North Sea including Serica Energy and Harbour Energy, has been quoted by political parties despite the bank noting itself that "the firm may have a conflict of interest that could affect the objectivity” of the analysis. The bank claims that 100,000 jobs may be at risk in Scotland:

3. However, the oil and gas trade body Offshore Energies UK has claimed there are around 200,000 jobs in the industry, with 90,000 in Scotland:

4. Under a business-as-usual scenario, both the North Sea Transition Deal (written and agreed between the Government and OEUK) and the Climate Change Committee have found that job losses are expected in the North Sea as production continues to decline from the basin: and

For more information or for interview requests:

George Smeeton, Head of Communications, ECIU, Tel: +44 (0)7894 571 153, email: