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Your search for 'cop 26' has returned 237 results:
Net zero targets are becoming mainstream in G20 governments and business, but more must follow to realise ‘ambition loops’ that can accelerate the transition
Collaborative report on net zero reveals global progress…
COP26 expectations: what could success in Glasgow look like?
Ahead of UN climate talks opening in Glasgow, we look at expectations of COP26 - what success could look like, to keep t…
Covid-19 and Climate
Have Covid-19 restrictions been good or bad news for the climate?…
COP26: A visual guide
What COP26 is, who attends and why it matters — in infographic form.…
Why the UK's 1% of global emissions is a big deal
It's often claimed the UK, at 1% of global emissions, is too small to have an impact, often followed by 'what about Chin…
Net Zero Strategy: one plan to rule them all?
Three weeks until COP26 the government is rumoured to be signing off their overarching Net Zero Strategy.…