What's in my energy bill?
Gas prices, 'green levies', company profits - what's changing, and why?…
Hot or not? What to make of the Heat Strategy rumours
What's likely to be in the Heat and Buildings Strategy and what would it mean for our homes?…
Putin’s laughing now
Delaying net zero will not only increase costs, but keep us vulnerable to Putin & Co.’s every whim…
Let’s be honest about what’s driving these home energy hikes
By Steve Holliday FREng FEI, President of the Energy Institute and former CEO of National Grid…
IPCC report: Time for global leaders to respond
A look at the science of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), and the broader impact.…
100 days to COP26: five issues to watch out for
As of 23rd July, there are only 100 days to the UN climate summit in Glasgow. Five important steps to watch out for in t…
Australia - missing in action as nations step up for COP26
Australia - wealthy G20 member with higher per-capita emissions than the US, and higher emissions than the UK, despite a…
Skills - no longer net zero’s Cinderella issue?
Energy Institute President Steve Holliday welcomes a fresh focus on the net zero skills issue.…
G20 meetings & climate pledges
G20 nations cause 76% of global greenhouse gas emissions; only half those emissions are covered by ambitious pledges to …
Public warming up to eco-heating
It is a question of when, not if, the clean heat revolution will begin.…
G7 summit: What to expect and what it means for COP26
G7 Finance Ministers & G7 Leaders meet in the UK in June; what they decide on climate finance could help ensure success …
The Glasgow Climate Summit & Finance
What is climate finance & why is it so important for this year's climate summit, COP26?…
Decarbonising homes will need more than rules and bans
There are numerous options for incentives to decarbonise our homes aside from rules and bans.…
Peatlands and Trees could be cornerstone of Defra Net Zero Strategy
Defra’s new England Peat and Trees Action Plans attempts to address greenhouse gas emissions from UK's land…
What to look for in the Government’s buildings decarbonisation plan
Will the long-awaited Heat and Buildings Strategy deliver?…
Covid-19: What does it mean for COP26?
This briefing explains what the options are, the pros and cons of each, when decisions will likely be made and who has t…
Time for Treasury to move the net zero debate forward
The upcoming Net Zero Review could be the missing piece in charging on to net zero…