Home › MediaPress ReleasesTo contact our media team email info@eciu.net or call 07894 571 153Filter by topic Climate science International & COP Economy & jobs Climate & energy policy Farming, land & nature Heat & buildings Net zero Transport Filter by year & month EV sale 04 Jul. 2024Transport New SMMT figures: electric vehicles rose to 19% of the new car market in June Service utility payments gas bills 38468 01 Jul. 2024Climate & energy policy Energy price cap: £17 cut for summer, but gas crisis set to cost households another £600 a year from this winter Port Talbot 28 Jun. 2024Economy & jobsClimate & energy policy Tata Steel Port Talbot steelworks face early shutdown Renewable jobs 27 Jun. 2024Climate & energy policyNet zero Cost of net zero: comment & analysis Heat pump union jack 2 21 Jun. 2024Climate & energy policyHeat & buildings 'Energy patriotism' could slash homes' foreign energy dependence by 80% Wind farm 19 Jun. 2024Farming, land & natureNet zero Inflation: wet winter pushing up prices as food costs remain near record high Olive oil 19 Jun. 2024Farming, land & nature Prosecc-woe: Italian delicacies hit by extreme weather Renewable jobs 18 Jun. 2024Climate & energy policyNet zeroEconomy & jobs Comment on Offshore Energies UK jobs report North sea gas platform 15 Jun. 2024 Comment: North Sea oil and gas General election 13 Jun. 2024Climate & energy policyEconomy & jobs Comment on party election manifestos Wet flood farm food 12 Jun. 2024Climate scienceFarming, land & nature Wet weather in April slows economic growth Wheat 11 Jun. 2024Farming, land & nature First UK, now France wheat harvests under threat: comment Pylons 07 Jun. 2024Climate & energy policyHeat & buildingsNet zero New analysis: renewables ‘critical’ to do ‘heavy lifting’ on UK’s energy security as North Sea’s role diminished Winter freezing 06 Jun. 2024Climate & energy policyHeat & buildings National Grid Electricity System Operator's Winter Outlook for 2024: comment Election debate 05 Jun. 2024Climate & energy policyNet zero Leaders debate: Net zero key facts and comment Electric car 04 Jun. 2024Transport 17.9% of new cars electric in May finds New AutoMotive: comments Brazil flood 04 Jun. 2024Climate scienceInternational & COP Climate change made Brazil floods more likely: comment Previous 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Next
EV sale 04 Jul. 2024Transport New SMMT figures: electric vehicles rose to 19% of the new car market in June
Service utility payments gas bills 38468 01 Jul. 2024Climate & energy policy Energy price cap: £17 cut for summer, but gas crisis set to cost households another £600 a year from this winter
Port Talbot 28 Jun. 2024Economy & jobsClimate & energy policy Tata Steel Port Talbot steelworks face early shutdown
Heat pump union jack 2 21 Jun. 2024Climate & energy policyHeat & buildings 'Energy patriotism' could slash homes' foreign energy dependence by 80%
Wind farm 19 Jun. 2024Farming, land & natureNet zero Inflation: wet winter pushing up prices as food costs remain near record high
Renewable jobs 18 Jun. 2024Climate & energy policyNet zeroEconomy & jobs Comment on Offshore Energies UK jobs report
General election 13 Jun. 2024Climate & energy policyEconomy & jobs Comment on party election manifestos
Wet flood farm food 12 Jun. 2024Climate scienceFarming, land & nature Wet weather in April slows economic growth
Pylons 07 Jun. 2024Climate & energy policyHeat & buildingsNet zero New analysis: renewables ‘critical’ to do ‘heavy lifting’ on UK’s energy security as North Sea’s role diminished
Winter freezing 06 Jun. 2024Climate & energy policyHeat & buildings National Grid Electricity System Operator's Winter Outlook for 2024: comment
Election debate 05 Jun. 2024Climate & energy policyNet zero Leaders debate: Net zero key facts and comment
Brazil flood 04 Jun. 2024Climate scienceInternational & COP Climate change made Brazil floods more likely: comment