Net zero: the scorecard
Going net zero is going global. The countries, cities, states and companies leading the net zero race.

By John Lang
Last updated:
In June 2019, the UK became the first major economy to enshrine #netzero by 2050 in law. The following graphics convey the accelerating momentum for net zero globally. It's not just countries leading the charge — states, cities, companies, sports teams and whole industries are also getting in on the net zero act. For the most up-to-date net zero 'standings', please refer to our Net Zero Tracker.
All ECIU's graphics are licensed under a Creative Commons License — so please feel free to use or share them.
Net zero scorecard
Which countries are leading the net zero race? For the latest scorecard and map, please see our Net Zero Tracker.

Net zero economies
We've aggregated the GDP of all the countries, states and cities that have set, or intend to set, net zero by 2050 targets around the world. It currently stands at almost $46 trillion, well over half of global GDP (World Bank, 2018).

This page was last updated 14 July 2020