Household Energy Security in 2030
'Energy patriotism' could slash homes' foreign energy dependence by 80%, and new North Sea oil and gas ‘largely irreleva…
Energy bills: The untold story
Report: how cutting waste is continuing to bring down British energy bills…
Repower to the people
How upgrading the UK’s old onshore wind fleet can cut carbon, reduce bills and support local communities…
RIIO Carnival
How new Ofgem regulations are failing to hit high network company profits…
Blown Away
Calculating the cost of the onshore wind ‘ban’
Monopoly money
How the UK’s electricity distribution network operators are posting big profits…
Made in China: importing higher energy bills
The implications of scrapping EU domestic appliance standards on British household energy bills…
Demand Side Response
How can we change how electricity is consumed in a smart grid?…
The Lights Seem to be Staying On: Realities behind ‘Blackout Britain’
Report on the realities behind ‘Blackout Britain’
UK energy and emissions
Where does the country get its energy from? And what's producing its carbon emissions?…
Fracking in the UK
Economics, resources, public opinion - what are the prospects for shale oil and gas?…