The Net Zero-Trade Nexus: Opportunities and risks for the UK
Assessing the net zero targets and policies of the UK's largest trading partners.…
What does the Paris Agreement mean for the UK?
From energy transformation to nature impacts, experts present the Paris outcome and its implications.…
Transformational INDCs: how new renewables pledges could transform the economics of wind and solar
National plans to tackle climate change made ahead of Paris climate talks commit governments to a major expansion of ren…
China’s Low Carbon Future Offers Global Opportunities
Report by chinadialogue and the Energy & Climate Intelligence Unit on China's investment in climate change and low-carbo…
China’s Low-carbon Policy and Development
Report on China’s increasingly ambitious and committed approach to climate change and low-carbon development…
The Lights Seem to be Staying On: Realities behind ‘Blackout Britain’
Report on the realities behind ‘Blackout Britain’
UK energy and emissions
Where does the country get its energy from? And what's producing its carbon emissions?…
Fracking in the UK
Economics, resources, public opinion - what are the prospects for shale oil and gas?…
Flood risk and the UK
How will flood risk to the UK change in future - and are we prepared?…
Climate change and the UK: risks and opportunities
What does the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fifth Assessment Report mean for the UK?…
Climate economics - costs and benefits
What are the costs of climate change, and the costs and benefits of tackling it?…
Around the UK
What are the administrations in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland doing to curb emissions?…
Climate change and security
Why are generals and admirals increasingly concerned about climate change?…