COP29: past achievements and challenges ahead
As global leaders gather for the second week of COP29 in Baku, what progress has been made since the first summit, and w…
COP cash must reach organisations on climate frontline
Call for COP29 negotiations to consider not-for-profits and small businesses to help deliver decarbonisation goals…
Why a Trump presidency won’t derail the world’s climate ambitions
Donald Trump, who has referred to climate change as a ‘hoax’, will hold arguably the most powerful position on the plane…
Climate impacts in focus: Spain, France and Italy
How is extreme weather across Europe impacting holiday makers, food shortages, and human health?…
COP29 – what to expect…
The next UN climate summit takes place in November, in Azerbaijan. As it draws closer, we take a look at what is on the …
10 things we learned from the UK general election
What are some of the things we learned from the UK's 2024 general election for climate and energy – in the UK, and beyon…
Elections at a time of worsening impacts from climate change
2024 sees elections covering half the world's population and comes after the hottest year on record; yet climate change …
Heat, hope and hurdles at COP28: reflections
Cambridge University climate scientist Rihab Khalid reflects on some of the key themes she observed at the heart of proc…
COP28 Dubai - what was achieved and not?
Now COP28 in Dubai has drawn to a close, we take a look at the good, the not so good, and the unresolved.…
From ambitions to actions at COP28
Attending a COP for the first time, energy network and systems academic Meysam Qadrdan reflects on the energy transition…
Climate solutions happening globally as COP28 nears end
As COP28 nears the end, climate solutions are already happening aceoss the world, shown by winners of the 2023 Ashden Aw…
Lack of climate resilience in our food supply chains risks our health
A climate scientist’s hopes for COP28
As the UN climate summit COP28 gets underway in UAE, Cambridge University climate scientist Rihab Khalid, attending for …
Road to Dubai: COP’s first Health Day
As climate impacts worsen, the harm to health caused by climate change comes into sharper focus. As COP28 includes the f…
What to expect from COP28?
With just weeks until the next UN Climate Summit, hosted by the UAE, we look ahead to what is likely to be on the table …
The road to Dubai: three summits and a stocktake
The international meetings and moments that build towards the next UN climate summit - COP28 in the United Arab Emirates…
Heatwaves, wildfires and climate change
In a globalised world, heatwaves and wildfires that would have been impossible, or many times less likely, without clima…