Are ‘green levies’ going up in April 2024?
What are the impacts of green levies on bills, compared to other bill components?…
Two years of Russia’s war on Ukraine: the gas crisis, price rises and energy security
How has the UK's energy security, prices and system been changed in the two years since Russia invaded Ukraine?…
Spring Budget: where is the UK in the green growth race?
After weeks of pressure from business, in Chancellor Jeremy Hunt’s Spring Budget the response to the IRA was hotly antic…
COP27: a loss and damage deal, and global momentum beyond
COP27 has come to a close. ECIU's International lead takes a look at what happened.…
Climate solutions: energy access in African nations
Distributed renewable energy projects are bringing opportunities, economic benefits and development to people and commun…
Drought: three ways the UK can adapt to extreme heat
Achieving net zero emissions will help with protecting farmers' crops and families from high bills, and with limiting dr…
IPCC Report: A Summary for People
If a picture is worth a thousand words, a 750,000 word IPCC report is logically worth 750 pictures.…
We must insulate households from volatile prices, for good
Energy efficiency is the most obvious response to the energy crisis facing households, but it’s being ignored.…
Clean solutions to fossil-fuelled global problems
Solutions to current global crises are as interlinked as the crises themselves, with climate action at the heart of thos…
Fracking for energy security in the UK: 4 key considerations for government
Fracking experts set out the key considerations for the Government when it comes shale gas exploration and production in…
IPCC - reasons to be cheerful?
As the IPCC publishes its sixth assessment report, with the latest report focused on solutions to keep warming to 1.5°C,…
How to cut the UK’s dependency on Russian gas… permanently
British public say key drivers of gas crisis are profiteering, Russia, and global demand
Lord Howard: UK must move beyond fossil fuels
Former Leader of the Conservative Party and ECIU Advisory Board member, Michael Howard, Baron Howard of Lympne, in the t…
Out with the old – gas crisis blows up conventional wisdom about household bills
With the old rule of thumb on gas bills out the window, let’s break down the price rises.…
UK left out in the cold as Europe storms ahead on efficient homes
How have Germany and France managed success with housing energy efficiency schemes where the UK hasn’t?…
Guest blog: Week one hit climate change where it counts
Energy Institute’s Nick Wayth finds serious intent and big change for his industry amid COP26’s early outcomes……