Net zero

What does net zero mean for the UK, and the world?

Our net zero analysts

Tracking net zero globally

The Net Zero Tracker aims to increase transparency and accountability of net zero targets pledged by nations, states and regions, cities and companies. We - along with our partners - collect data on targets set and on many factors that indicate the integrity of those targets — essentially, how serious the entity setting the target is about meaningfully cutting its net emissions to zero.

Go to the Net Zero Tracker website.

You can also find the Net Zero scorecard for countries, based on the Net Zero Tracker data, on our website, highlighting the global race to net zero.

Go to the Net Zero Scorecard webpage on this website.

Mapping the UK net zero economy

Net zero activity already forms a key part of the UK economy, creating innovation-led, high-value employment opportunities and attracting foreign direct investment.

The net zero economy spans a number of new and emerging sectors, such as renewables, carbon capture, or green finance, as well as more traditional, established sectors, such as manufacturing.

This latest analysis shows that these businesses contributed £74 billion in Gross Value Added (GVA) in 2022-23, which is equivalent to 3.8% of the UK economy – larger than the economy of Wales (£66 billion). They also supported 765,700 Full Time Equivalent (FTE) jobs, equal to nearly 3% of total UK employment.

Read the full report.

Highlighting global leaders... and laggards

ECIU maintains a presence at the United Nations Conference of Parties (COP), to monitor and analyse the negotiations among national actors.

We've set out why the UK's emissions matter on the global stage, and where the momentum on net zero is accelerating, and what global climate impacts mean for the UK's food supply and energy security.

You can also view all our infographics on the history of COPs, the IPCC's asessment reports, the Paris Agreement, and more.

Cost of NOT zero in 2023

We identify the missed opportunities each year of a delayed transition to a net zero economy.

For example, in 2023, most households could have received one or more of these net zero upgrades, saving hundreds of pounds a year on energy costs. Some households, if they had all of the applicable technologies, could have saved around £1,850 on energy bills in 2022, and almost £1,900 in 2023, for a total of £3,750 over two years dominated by the gas crisis.[1]

Households are facing more than £600 extra in food bills over two years due to the impact of climate change and oil and gas prices on the farming and food sector.

This amounts to a potential £4,350 of costs for some household over two years caused by climate change and the limited roll-out of net zero technologies.

Read the full report.

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